The chapter “Mining Case Story” sketched out the history of the “mining case.” Since all the following chapters will refer to that sequence of events in one way or another, a timeline is helpful to the reader for overview and reference.

23 April 2008 | Contract about the mine in Mt. Litla-Sandfell
The EXCOM and Eden inc. sign a contract about mining operation in Mt. Litla-Sandfell[1]

20 May 2009 | Contract about the mine in Mt. Lambafell
The EXCOM and Eden inc. sign a contract about mining operation in Mt. Lambafell[2]

24 May 2009 | The contracts announced at Session
After the scheduled program closes at Session, Eden inc. announces the upcoming mining operation to the delegates, and emphasizes how profitable the contracts are for the IC[3]

May 2012 | New article accepted into the constitution and bylaws (no. 18 today)
Delegates at Session vote to accept the report of the constitution-and-bylaws committee and thereby a new article is accepted. The article forbids EXCOM from buying or selling denominational property if those actions do not fall under the daily, normal operation of the denomination. If buying or selling does not fall under such normal operation, such decisions must be made during Session[4]

22 April 2015 | The first formal criticism of the conduct of Eden inc. within the IC
The Committee of the Utilization and Future Vision of Breiðabólstaður Property distributes its report at Session. The report criticizes the conduct of Eden inc.[5]

2017 | Mining operation
The mining operation begins in earnest.[6] GT-verktakar mines and sells the minerals

2019 | The EXCOM begins an investigation into Eden inc.
The EXCOM (2016–2019) requests Kristján Ari Sigurðsson to investigate Eden inc. with Treasurer Judel Ditta[7]

Summer 2020 | Negotiations with Ölfus municipality
The companies Hornsteinn[8] and Heidelberg Materials commence negotiations with Ölfus municipality concerning a potential project in Þorlákshöfn town which is based on a potential mineral mining in Mt. Litla-Sandfell.[9] Church members are completely unaware of these negotiations until the project is announced to them 1 February 2022.[10] The negotiations of these companies with Ölfus are not traced further here (but cf. Appendices)

11 May 2021 | The EXCOM asks GCAS to investigate
The EXCOM (2019–2023) decides to cancel the investigation which the previous EXCOM commenced (this investigation was never finished) In its stead, the EXCOM decides to ask GCAS for an investigation.[11] Sigurðsson requests to be allowed to present his findings to the EXCOM. This request is repeatedly denied[12]

Spring 2021 | Negotiations
The EXCOM and Eden inc. commence secret negotiations to renew their mining contracts

Summer 2021 | Mining operation
Lambafell inc. takes over mining and selling the minerals from GT-verktakar[13]

5 October 2021 | The EXCOM asks GCAS to investigate
The EXCOM had decided not to ask GCAS for an investigation but now decided again to ask for such an investigation. This time, however, the requested investigation is to be of a much more limited scope (Cf. resolution 92/2021, 5 October 2021)

5 December 2021 | Open letter to the EXCOM
Five church members send an open letter to the EXCOM.[14] They also send the letter to all the church boards. The letter criticizes the EXCOM for its conduct as it relates to the mining operation and urges the EXCOM to terminate the contracts with Eden inc. and to resign. The letter was reviewed by a lawyer before it was published

January 2022 | Mining operation
Lambafell inc. stops mining and selling the minerals.[15] The mining operation ceases for at least half a year[16]

18 January 2022 | Contract about Mt. Litla-Sandfell and Mt. Lambafell
The EXCOM and Eden inc. sign a new contract concerning mining operation in the two mounts.[17] Unlike former contracts, the contract is in part secret

1 February 2022 | New contract announced
The EXCOM announces the new contract in Kirkjufréttir[18]

10 February 2022 | The EXCOM decides to write letters
The EXCOM decides to respond to criticism of the mining operation by, e.g. by writing a letter to Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson and the church boards.[19] No letter is sent to Stefánsson – possibly because instead, all those who signed the open letter (and several other church members) are summoned to meet individually (and not as a group) with the EXCOM

25 February 2022 | Samantektin articles
Samantektin publishes two articles about the mining case. The authors are Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson and Guðni Kristjánsson, respectively[20]

2 March 2022 | The EXCOM summons critical church members to meetings
The administrators summon ten of the critical church members via email to individual meetings.[21] Due to short notice, the wording of the summon, cancellation of some of the invited church members, and lack of organization on behalf of the EXCOM, barely any meetings take place

14 March 2022 | Open letter from Eden inc. to church members
Eden inc. distributes an open letter to church members, in response to the open letter (5 December 2021) and other criticism. The open letter ignores the main points of the open letter and threatens critics indirectly with a lawsuit[22]

16 March 2022 | Open letter from the EXCOM to the church boards
The EXCOM sends an open letter to the church boards as a response to the open letter (5 December 2021) and other unspecified criticism. The open letter does not address the main concerns of the open letter substantially[23]

23 March 2022 | Petition to the EXCOM
The EXCOM receives a signature list with 61 signatures with a request to convene an open information meeting about the mining operation.[24] Instead of complying directly with the request, the EXCOM decides to hold a meeting with the church boards

1 April 2022 | Session delayed because of the mining case
The EXCOM announces in Kirkjufréttir that Session, scheduled for May, will be delayed to the autumn, because the GCAS report has not arrived[25]

24 May 2022 | Meeting about the GCAS report
The EXCOM convenes a meeting about the mining operation with the church boards in Suðurhlíðarstofa hall. The GCAS-team representative reads the GCAS report and takes questions. Before the meeting, the EXCOM had asked the church boards to send in questions about the mining case. These questions are not addressed in the meeting. A vote is taken on whether the church boards want the EXCOM to convene another and a more open meeting about the mining operation. All church boards but one vote Yes. The vote is only recommendatory and not binding and the EXCOM does not convene such a meeting[26]

7 June 2022 | Samantektin article
Samantektin publishes an article about the GCAS meeting by one of its editors[27]

August 2022 | Discussion in the national media
Discussion about the intended project in Þorlákshöfn town becomes more visible in the national media and continues over the next several months, without signs of abating[28]

August 2022 | Landvernd
Landvernd – Icelandic Environmental Association starts gathering signatures on its website against the mining operation and encourages municipalities to reject such projects[29]

6 September 2022 | Samantektin article
Samantektin publishes another article on article no. 18 in the bylaws of the IC. The author is Guðni Kristjánsson[30]

7 September 2022 | Legal opinion
In the meeting documents for Session, sent out to the delegates, the EXCOM includes its report on the mining case. In the report, the lawyer of the IC confesses that it is possible to argue that Eden inc. transferred its previous contracts. The report concludes with a motion to cease all discussion about the mining case[31]

22 September 2022 | Samantektin articles
Samantektin publishes three articles on the mining case, two by Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson and one by Kristján Ari Sigurðsson.[32] Shortly before the articles are published, somebody leaks the legal memo quotation from Sigurðsson’s article to the media (Vísir). Sigurðsson explains this in an email to delegates the same day

22–25 September 2022 | Session (part I)
Session votes to ignore the mining report from the EXCOM and to refer the mining case to an investigative committee which the TED will form. The closing of the Session is delayed until 11 December 2022. Then the report of the investigative committee will be read, the nominating committee will present its report, a new EXCOM will be chosen, and Session will be finished[33]

15 October 2022 | Sabbath fellowship in Suðurhlíðarskóli
A group of church members, mostly from Hafnarfjörður church but also from Reykjavík church, begin meeting in Suðurhlíðarskóli on Sabbaths during the time of Sabbath school and church service. The goal of the fellowship is to support the mission of the school. This fellowship, is not advertised that way in Kirkjufréttir.[34] Many IC employees attend these meetings

15 November 2022 | First Heidelberg Materials meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn town
Heidelberg Materials convenes a meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn town to present their intended factory project.[35] The comments of the attendees are mostly negative. Municipal representative Ása Berglind Hjálmarsdóttir starts gathering signatures against the project at the meeting[36]

24 November 2022 | Second part of Session is delayed
TED President Daniel Duda announces in Kirkjufréttir that the second part of Session, scheduled for 11 December, has been delayed since the investigative report is not ready “because of unforeseen circumstances”[37]

2 January 2023 | Open letter from Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson
Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson distributes the document “Mining Case Summary” to church members in Iceland via mass email.[38] He also sends the document to the TED administration. The letter was reviewed by a lawyer before it was distributed

6 January 2023 | Kirkjufréttir
The IC administrators compare church members who have been critical in the mining case (e.g., by writing open letters) to the enemies of the Jews in the days of Nehemiah. The administrators call their criticism “the strategy of Satan” and say that it is slander unworthy of response[39]

13 January 2023 | The Mining Case
Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson distributes The Mining Case, a document on the mining case. The document was reviewed by a lawyer before it was distributed. In tandem with it, he distributes an updated and corrected version of the document “The Mining Case Summary”[40]l

late January 2023 | Poll in Ölfus Municipality
Pollsters call inhabitants in Ölfus Municipality and ask them what their opinion is about the factory that might be built in Þorlákshöfn. The polling is discussed in the Facebook group of the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn and Ölfus Municipality. The municipal commissioner of Þorlákshöfn and a Hornsteinn employee affirm in the group that the municipality commission and Hornsteinn are not behind the poll. A few days later it is revealed that Heimildin had the poll conducted[41]

24 January 2023 | The two mining case documents
Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson writes an entry in the Facebook group of the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn and Ölfus where he explains to the group that he has written two documents about the mining case and offers to give a copy to anyone interested

27 January 2023 | Public statement of the EXCOM
The EXCOM publishes a statement in Hafnarfréttir, the local media of Þorlákshöfn, publishes a statement from the EXCOM concerning Stefánsson’s distribution of his mining case documents in the FB-group of Ölfus inhabitants[42]

30 January 2023 | Reply from Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson
Hafnarfréttir publishes Stefánsson’s reply to the statement of the EXCOM[43]

3 February 2023 | Open letter of the EXCOM to church leaders and church members
The EXCOM publishes an open letter in Kirkjufréttir[44] in which they vaguely review the case. Among other things, the EXCOM informs church members that unnamed church members have spread “falsehoods and misleading information” to national and foreign media. The EXCOM encourages members to pray to solve the issue. The falsehoods and misleading information are neither identified nor rebutted

17 February 2023 | Open letter from Eden to church members
Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson distribute an open letter to church members, along with a 2022 legal memo by their lawyer Gísli Guðni Hall concerning transfer of mining rights.[45] Hall reaches the conclusion that no transfer of the mining rights took place. In their letter, Ingvarsson and Ólafsson seek to answer some of the criticism raised by church members while barely referencing sources. The involvement of Kristján Ari Sigurðsson and Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson in the mining case is treated in particular and they are threatened with a possible lawsuit. Other critical church members’s involvement is also discussed. Ingvarsson and Ólafsson prohibit recipients to distribute the letter outside of the denomination

17 February 2023 | Open letter from Ómar Torfason to the EXCOM, the church boards, delegates, and church members
Ómar Torfason replies to the open letter of Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson in an open letter to the EXCOM, the church boards, delegates, and church members[46]

22 February 2023 | Open letter from Ómar Torfason to the EXCOM, the church boards, delegates, and church members
Ómar Torfason replies again to the open letter of Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson in an open letter to the EXCOM, the church boards, delegates, and church members.[47] Steinunn Theodórsdóttir and Ólafur Kristinsson both respond to the letter.[48]

23 February 2023 | Open letter from Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson to Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson
Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson replies to the open letter of Ingvarsson and Ólafsson by sending them an open letter—he sends his letter also to many church members[49]

2 March 2023 | Open letter from Ómar Torfason to church members and delegates
Ómar Torfason replies to the open letter of Ólafur Kristinsson[50]

14 March 2023 | Petition from delegates
25 delegates and 22 other church members sent a petition to the Trans-European Division (TED) in which they protested against the illegal delay of the second half of Session and requested TED to hold the second half of Session right away

28 March 2023 | TED’s reply to the petition
TED Field Secretary Ian Sweeney expresses to delegate Guðrún Ólafsdóttir in an email that TED has rejected the petition[51]

16 May 2023 | New chapters in the Mining Case
Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson sends three new chapters in the Mining Case to church members[52]

26, 30 May 2023 | Members requested to participate in a lawsuit against the EXCOM
Guðrún Ólafsdóttir and then Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir send an email to many church members, requesting them to participate in a lawsuit against the EXCOM for having violated article no. 18 by signing a new contract with Eden[53]

3 June 2023 | President Gavin Anthony apologizes that the TED has delayed Session
In his article in Kirkjufréttir, President Gavin Anthony apologizes that the Session has belayed. He says TED is responsible for the delay[54]

29 June 2023 | Registration of the summons
The summons is registered in the Reykjavík District Court

14 July 2023 | Church members are informed about the summons in a misleading way
President Gavin Anthony informs church members in a misleading way in his Kirkjufréttir article that “a group of 21 persons” has sued “the Church”.[55] This misleading statement is not corrected despite requests from the complainants[56]

19 August 2023 | Second Heidelberg Materials meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn town
Heidelberg Materials convenes another meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn town to present their intended factory project. They describe their new intended building site outside the town and other changes

29 August 2023 | Eric Guðmundsson’s letter to complainants
Eric Guðmundsson, pastor of the Árnes church, sends a letter to the complainants. He asks them to drop the case so that peace can be restored in the IC[57]

6 September 2023 | Commencement of the Court Case
The lawsuit of complainants vs. the IC (E-4060/2023) commences in the District Court of Reykjavík. Both parties present their documents

28 September 2023 | Letter of the complainants sent to EXCOM members
ARTA sends a letter to the EXCOM members on behalf of complainants. In the letter, it is claimed that the EXCOM has been without mandate after 11 December 2022 and it is demanded that second part of Session be held as soon as possible without further delay. The letter arrives a few days later[58]

29 September 2023 | EXCOM report
The EXCOM publishes a new report in Kirkjufréttir. In the report, the EXCOM states that the TED voted at one of their meetings to continue to delay the IC Session—there is therefore nothing that the IC can do about this. The EXCOM also states that it continues to have a full mandate and legal authority after the first part of Session (September 2022).[59]

2 October 2023 | Letter of the complainants to the Ölfus municipality council
ARTA, on behalf of the complainants, sends a confidential letter to Ölfus municipality council. In the letter, ARTA points out that the EXCOM is without mandate and is therefore not authorized to negotiate or make contracts on behalf of the IC

October 2023 | Majority of church boards request second half of Session to be convened
The church boards of Árnes Church (6 October), Hafnarfjörður Church (24 October) and Reykjavík Church (24 April) send letters to the EXCOM, requesting that the second half of the 41st Session be convened without further delay. According to the constitution and bylaws of the IC, Session must be convened if the majority of the church boards so request.[60] The EXCOM does not answer the letters

20 October 2023 | Updated EXCOM report
The EXCOM publishes an updated report in Kirkjufréttir. The update apparently only involves one additional section, entitled “Authority of the Executive Committee.” The new section emphasizes that the EXCOM has full, legal mandate until the second half of Session be held.[61] The section is possibly written as a response to the letter of the complainants

27 October 2023 | The EXCOM terminates the rental contract of Hlíðardalssetrið
The EXCOM sends a letter to the directors of the Hlíðardalssetrið. In the letter, the EXCOM states that the IC’s rental contract with Hlíðardalssetrið is terminated with one year’s notice. The EXCOM states that an unnamed person or company is ready to rent Breiðabólstaður from the IC and that this new rental opportunity will create great revenue for the IC

6 November 2023 | Court case commencement delayed
The Judge appointed in the case delays its commencement to 30 January 2024

13 November 2023 | Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson’s open letter to church members
Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson sends an open letter to church members. It contains an article series on the 41st Session of the IC[62]

18 November 2023 | Membership letters of four members is transferred irregularly
Reykjavík Church reads the names of Steinunn Theodórsdóttir, Örn Jónsson, Helgi Jónsson, and Helga Þorbjarnardóttir for the first time. The names are read for the second time on 25 November 2023. These four members belong to Hafnarfjörður Church but began attending Suðurhlíðarskóli services instead after the first half of the 41st Session. The Hafnarfjörður Church Secretary was not involved in the transfer and it is therefore irregular. Örn Jónsson is an IC EXCOM member and Helgi Jónsson is one of the two Chairs of the 41st Session. Some time later, the names are also read in Hafnarfjörður Church, even though the process should have started there and not ended there

16 January 2024 | The IC administrators are sued to the National Commissioner of Police for an alleged economical criminality
On behalf of Ómar Torfason, ARTA lawyers press charges against the IC administrators for alleged economical criminality since they receive their salary without having a mandate to work

23 January 2024 | Third Heidelberg Materials meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn
Heidelberg Materials convenes the third meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn, at 8 PM in Þorlákshöfn[63]

29 January 2024 | Reykjavík Metropolitan Police dismisses the charges
The National Police Commissioner forwards the charges to the Reykjavík Metropolitan Police. The Metropolitan Police dismisses the charges on 29 January 2024

30 January 2024 | The dismissal request discussed in the lawsuit
The dismissal request is discussed in the District Court. Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson and Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir are in attendance in the court room

2 February 2024 | EXCOM editorial about the mining case and Session
The EXCOM publishes an editorial about the state of the mining case and Session in Kirkjufréttir.[64] The EXCOM affirms that they are willing to answer questions concerning the mining case according to the best of their ability

15 February 2024 | Dismissal of charges appealed to the Special Prosecutor
Ómar Torfason appeals the Reykjavík Metropolitcan Police decision to the Special Prosecutor

20 February 2024 | Dismissal of the case and appeal to the Court of Appeals
The District Court dismisses the case. The complainants appeal to the Court of Appeals

17 March 2024 | TED administrators meet with the IC EXCOM
TED administrators meet with the IC EXCOM. The meetings is convened so that the IC EXCOM can receive an explanation as to why the mining investigation committee has not commenced its work and what should be done concerning Session[65]

17 March 2024 | The petition of delegates and other church members to TED
Pastor Eric Guðmundsson, the person responsible for the petition, presents it to the TED administrators. The petition is signed by 101 church members. In the petition, TED is urged to convene the second half of Session in early April 2024. TED does not respond to the petition

9 April 2024 | The Court of Appeals confirms the District Court’s dismissal of the case
The Court of Appeals confirms the District Court’s dismissal of the case    

11 April 2024 | Fourth meeting of Heidelberg Materials with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn
Heidelberg Materials convenes the fourth meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn at 8 PM in Versalir, Þorlákshöfn[66]

10 May 2024 | State Prosecutor demands that Police investigate the alleged criminality
The State Prosecutor renders the verdict that the Police shall not dismiss the charges pressed by Ómar Torfason and that it must investigate the alleged economical criminality of the IC EXCOM

17 May 2024 | Ölfus referendum delayed
Ölfus municipality council delays the referendum concerning the crushing factory of Heidelberg Materials

21 May 2024 | Fifth meeting of Heidelberg Materials with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn
Heidelberg Materials convenes the fourth meeting with the inhabitants of Þorlákshöfn at 8 PM in Versalir, Þorlákshöfn[67]

25–27 June 2024 | The Mining Commission
The Mining Commission holds interviews in Iceland

[1] The contract is found under “Sources & Documents” on the top banner of this website.

[2] The contract is found under “Sources & Documents” on the top banner of this website.

[3] The delegates and other attendees at this Session are witnesses.

[4] Constitution-and-bylaws committee, “Skýrsla laganefndar” (the Constitution-and-Bylaws Committee Report”), meeting documents for Session 2012, p. 66. When this article was accepted at Session in 2012, it was number 17. Later on it became number 18 and remains so today.

[5] Committee for the Utilization and the Future Vision of Breiðabólstaður Property, “Tillaga að framtíðarsýn Kirkjunnar varðandi Hlíðardalsskólaeignina” (Proposal for a Future Vision of the IC concerning the Hlíðardalsskóli Property), 2015, pp. 3, 4–5.

[6] The change can be seen in the payments to the IC. Cf. the open letter to the EXCOM, p. 6.

[7] The EXCOM, resolution 53/2019, 9 April 2019.

[8] Hornsteinn belongs in part to Heidelberg Materials. “Stjórn og eigendur,” Hornsteinn.is, https://hornsteinn.is/stjorn-eigendur/. On the website, the company’s name is given as HeidelbergCement. The company is the same, however. When I entered the website http://www.heidelbergcement.com/ in November 2022, that URL changed automatically to the website https://www.heidelbergmaterials.com/en.

[9] The author asked municipal commissioner Elliði Vignisson for a timeline of the Heidelberg project and he kindly provided it in an email. In that timeline it is clear that the negotiations began in the summer of 2020. Elliði Vignisson, email to Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, 2 September 2022.

[10] The EXCOM, Námufréttir – Mining news, 1 February 2022.

[11] The EXCOM, resolutions 47/2021 and 48/2021, 11 May 2021.

[12] Kristján Ari Sigurðsson, “Hverjum ber að gæta hagsmuna Kirkju sjöunda dags aðventista?” (Whose Responsibility Is It to Protect the Interests of the Icelandic Conference?], pp. [1–2].

[13] Cf. the financial statement of Lambafell inc. for the year 2021, available under the ID no. 4312181510, Skatturinn.is, Fyrirtækjaskrá, https://www.skatturinn.is/fyrirtaekjaskra/leit/kennitala/4312181510.

[14] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, Ólöf Haraldsdóttir, Ómar Torfason, Sigurgeir Bjarnason, and Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir, open letter to the EXCOM, 5 December 2021.

[15] Cf. the financial statement of Lambafell inc. for the year 2021, available under the ID no. 4312181510, Skatturinn.is, Fyrirtækjaskrá, https://www.skatturinn.is/fyrirtaekjaskra/leit/kennitala/4312181510.

[16] The mine is by the ring road which means that there are countless witnesses to this.

[17] The EXCOM, resolution 9/2022, 18 January 2022.

[18] The EXCOM, Námufréttir – Mining news, 1 February 2022.

[19] The EXCOM, resolution 17/2022, 10 February 2022.

[20] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson and Elísa Elíasdóttir, “Nýr samningur Kirkju SDA við Eden Mining um námurnar í Litla-Sandfelli og Lambafelli” (A New Contract between the IC and Eden concerning the Mines in Mt. Litla-Sandfell and Mt. Lambafell), Samantektin, 25 February 2022; Guðni Kristjánsson, “Lambafell, kirkjustjórnin, safnaðarmeðlimir” (Mt. Lambafell, the EXCOM, the Church Members), Samantektin, 25 February 2022.

[21] The church members summoned were Elías Theodórsson, Elísa Elíasdóttir, Eric Guðmundsson, Guðni Kristjánsson, Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, Kristján Ari Sigurðsson, Ólöf Haraldsdóttir, Ómar Torfason, Sigurgeir Bjarnason and Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir.

[22] Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson, open letter to church members, 14 March 2022. The letter is in the Appendices.

[23] The EXCOM, open letter to the church boards, 16 March 2022. The letter is in the Appendices.

[24] Elísa Elíasdóttir sent the signature list to the EXCOM on 23 March 2022. There were several church members responsible for gathering the signatures and Elíasdóttir was not the leader of the group.

[25] Gavin Anthony, Kirkjufréttir, 1 April 2022.

[26] The author witnessed the meeting himself since he watched it streamed via Zoom. The streaming was accessible to all church members.

[27] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, “GCAS-fundurinn 24. maí sl.” (The GCAS Meeting 24 May 2022), Samantektin, 7 June 2022.

[28] Cf. an overview of articles in the Appendices.

[29] Landvernd, “Áskorun: Höfnum námuvinnslu á Mýrdalssandi og í Þrengslunum” (Challenge: Let’s Reject Mining Operations in Mýrdalssandur and Þrengslin Pass), Landvernd.is, https://landvernd.is/askorun-namuvinnsla-i-myrdal-og-threngslum/; Jakob Bjarnar, “Landvernd skorar á sveitastjórnir að hafna námuvinnslu” (Landvernd – Icelandic Environment Association Urges Municipalities to Reject Mining Projects), Visir.is, 6 September 2022, https://www.visir.is/g/20222307740d/land-vernd-skorar-a-sveitar-stjornir-ad-hafna-namu-vinnslu.

[30] Guðni Kristjánsson, “18. grein samþykkta Kirkju SDA á Íslandi” (Article no. 18 in the Bylaws of the Icelandic Conference), Samantektin, 6 September 2022.

[31] The EXCOM, “Skýrsla um námuna,” meeting documents for Session 2022, pp. 81–84.

[32] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, “Kærleikur og gagnrýni” (Love and Criticism) and “Andlegt líf og fjármál” (Spirituality and Finances), Samantektin, 22 September 2022; Kristján Ari Sigurðsson, “Hverjum ber að gæta hagsmuna Kirkju sjöunda dags aðventista?” (Whose Responsibility Is It to Protect the Interests of the Icelandic Conference?), Samantektin, 22 September 2022.

[33] The minutes from the first part of Session 2022 will be sent to delegates with the meeting documents for the second part of the Session. This second part was supposed to be held on 11 December 2022, but it is now unclear when it will be held. I attended the first part of Session in September 2022 and am therefore a witness to the sequence of events there.

[34] The advertisement first appeared 21 October 2022 and read as follows: “A Sabbath fellowship will take place in Suðurhlíðarskóli from 11:00 a.m. and onwards. ‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’ (Matthew 11:28-30) Our mission is to provide a safe environment where peace, love and kindness prevail. Those who can, are encouraged to bring some food so we can share lunch.” Kirkjufréttir, 21 October 2022, emphasis in the original.

[35] Heidelberg Materials distributed a pamphlet by mail in Þorlákshöfn Town and its vicinity, inviting inhabitants to the meeting.

[36] Sunna Ósk Logadóttir, “Litla þorpið sem á að bjarga þýska risanum” (The Little Village Which Is Supposed to Save the German Giant), Kjarninn.is, 19 November 2022, https://kjarninn.is/skyring/litla-thorpid-sem-a-ad-bjarga-thyska-risanum/.

[37] Daniel Duda, “Session postponed,” Kirkjufréttir, 24 November 2022.

[38] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, “Mining Case Summary,” open letter to church members, 2 January 2023.

[39] Gavin Anthony, Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir, and Judel Ditta, Kirkjufréttir, 6 January 2023.

[40] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, “Mining Case Summary,” open letter to church members, 2nd ed., 13 January 2023.

[41] Ingi Freyr Vilhjálmsson, “Könnunin olli titringi í Ölfusi: Ríflega tvöfalt fleiri íbúar á móti verksmiðjunni” (The poll caused tension in Ölfus municipality: More than twice as many inhabitants are against the factory than for it), Hafnarfrettir.is, 27 January 2023, https://heimildin.is/grein/16590/riflega-tvofalt-fleiri-ibuar-i-olfusi-a-moti-molunarverksmidjunni/.

[42] The EXCOM, “Yfirlýsing frá Kirkju Sjöunda dags aðventista vegna umræðna á íbúasíðu Ölfuss” (Statement by the Seventh-day Adventist Church concerning a discussion in the Facebook-group of Ölfus municipality), Hafnarfrettir.is, 27 January 2023, https://hafnarfrettir.is/2023/01/27/yfirlysing-fra-kirkju-sjounda-dags-adventista-vegna-umraedna-a-ibuasidu-olfuss/.

[43] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, “Varðandi yfirlýsingu stjórnar Kirkju sjöunda dags aðventista í Hafnarfréttum” (Concerning the statement of the EXCOM of the IC in Hafnarfréttir) Hafnarfrettir.is, 30 January 2023, https://hafnarfrettir.is/2023/01/30/vardandi-yfirlysingu-stjornar-kirkju-sjounda-dags-adventista-i-hafnarfrettum/.

[44] The EXCOM, open letter to church leaders and church members, Kirkjufréttir, 3 February 2023.

[45] Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson, open letter to church members, 17 February 2023; Gísli Guðni Hall, legal memo about transfer of mining rights, 28 May 2022.

[46] Ómar Torfason, open letter to the EXCOM, the church boards, delegates, and church members, 17 February 2023.

[47] Ómar Torfason, open letter to the EXCOM, the church boards, the delegates, and church members, 22 February 2023.

[48] Steinunn Theodórsdóttir, email to delegates, 1 March 2023; Ólafur Kristinsson, letter to Ómar Torfason and the delegates, 1 March 2023.

[49] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, open letter to Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson, 23 February 2023.

[50] Ómar Torfason, open letter to church members, 2 March 2023.

[51] Ian Sweeney, email to Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, 28 March 2023.

[52] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, email to church members, 16 May 2023.

[53] Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, email to many church members, 26 May 2023; Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir, email to many church member, 30 May 2023.

[54] Gavin Anthony, article, Kirkjufréttir, 3 June 2023.

[55] “We also need to let you know that a group of 21 people have filed a lawsuit against our church—specifically, against each member of the Executive Committee. This is related to our mining contract. The court date is September 7. We would therefore ask you to cover our church in prayer, that God’s will be done, and that God will be honoured in everything that takes place.” Gavin Anthony, article, Kirkjufréttir, 14 July 2023.

[56] Cf. e.g., Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, email to Gavin Anthony and Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir, 14 July 2023; Gavin Anthony, article, Kirkjufréttir, 21 July 2023.

[57] Eric Guðmundsson, letter to complainants (sent in an email), 29 August 2023.

58] ARTA on behalf of complainants, letter to Gavin Anthony, 28 September 2023.

[59] IC EXCOM, report, 25 September 2023, published in Kirkjufréttir, 29 September 2023.

[60] Article 5.2.c. Though the EXCOM fills the role of a church board for the Conference Church, the Conference Church does not have an actual church board. And since articles 5.2.b–d detail what parties, apart from from the EXCOM, can make Session happen, it stands to reason that the EXCOM is not intended in any of those articles. Of the six churches in the IC, five have their own church boards. Three church boards are therefore the majority of five church boards.

[61] IC EXCOM, updated report, sent in an email, 20 October 2023.

[62] Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, “Um 41. aðalfund KSDA” (Concerning the 41st Session of the IC), open letter to church members, 13 November 2023.

[63] Heidelberg, “Íbúafundur þriðjudaginn 23. janúar kl. 20” (Residential meeting, Tuesday 23 January at 8 PM), Heidelberg.is, 9 January 2024, https://heidelberg.is/ibuafundur-thridjudaginn-23-januar-kl-20/.

[64] IC EXCOM, editorial, Kirkjufréttir, 2 February 2024.

[65] Gavin Anthony, editorial, Kirkjufréttir, 15 March 2024.

[66] Heidelberg, “Íbúafundur fimmtudaginn 11. apríl kl. 20” (Residential meeting, Thursday 11 April at 8 PM), Heidelberg.is, 5 April 2024, https://heidelberg.is/ibuafundur-fimmtudaginn-11-april-kl-20/.

[67] Heidelberg, “Íbúafundur 21. maí kl. 20” (Residential meeting, 21 May at 8 PM), Heidelberg.is, 8 May 2024, https://heidelberg.is/ibuafundur-21-mai-kl-20-2/.