The Ecotheology of the Seventh-day Adventist  Church

Ecotheology is a fairly recent field in theology. Unfortunately, the author did not have time to research this field and Adventist participation in it to any considerable extent. It is, however, clear that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has issued at least two official statements regarding mankind’s treatment of nature. 

The later statement, dating from 2010, discusses Creation as a biblical worldview. It states: “Belief in creation is foundational for Seventh-day Adventist understanding concerning much more than the question of origins.” Factors such as “human responsibility for stewardship of the environment” “find their meaning in the doctrine of creation.” The belief in God as a Creator includes, amongst other things, that humans are responsible stewards of the environment before God.[1] 

The older statement, published in 1997, addresses ecotheology directly and is entitled “Stewardship of the Environment.” Here is the text in full: 

It is the belief of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that humankind was created in the image of God, and is thus to represent God as His steward and to manage the natural environment in a faithful and fruitful way. Nature is a gift from God.

Unfortunately, men and women have been increasingly involved in an irresponsible destruction of the earth’s resources, resulting in widespread suffering, environmental degradation, and the threat of climate change. While scientific research needs to continue, it is clear from the accumulated evidence that the increasing emission of destructive gasses, the massive destruction of the American rain forests, and the depletion of the protective mantel of ozone (the so-called greenhouse effect), are all threatening the earth’s eco-system. There are dire predictions of global warming, rising sea levels, increasing frequency of storms and destructive floods, and devastating desertification and droughts. 

These problems are largely due to human selfishness and greed which result in ever-increasing production, unlimited consumption, and depletion of nonrenewable resources. Solidarity with future generations is discussed, but the pressure of immediate interests is given priority. The ecological crisis is rooted in humankind’s greed and refusal to practice good and faithful stewardship.

The government and people of Costa Rica are to be commended for their support of a comprehensive policy of sustainable development in harmony with nature. 

Seventh-day Adventism advocates a simple, wholesome lifestyle, where people do not step on the treadmill of unbridled over-consumption, accumulation of goods, and production of waste. A reformation of lifestyle is called for, based on respect for nature, restraint in the use of the world’s resources, reevaluation of one’s needs, and reaffirmation of the dignity of created life.[2] 

It seems possible to affirm that ecotheology is directly related to the inmost core of Adventism. Adventists believe that God created the world and they commemorate his creative act every Sabbath they observe as holy. Enjoying nature is an integral part of the Sabbath observance of Adventists. Adventists also strongly believe in the importance of good stewardship when it comes to both physical and spiritual matters. This stewardship also pertains to God’s creation.


The Discourse on Ecotheology within the IC

When the business idea of Eden and Heidelberg Materials was presented to the EXCOM, it would have been appropriate—regardless of these companies’s claims about the importance of keeping the negotiations absolutely secret—for the EXCOM to commence a discussion within the IC about the ecotheology of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the future vision of the IC. The enterprise of Heidelberg Materials in Þorlákshöfn is of such a magnitude that it involves not only questions concerning the negotiations and society but also about the environment and stewardship. 

However, such a discourse did not take place in the Church. Instead, church members were simply informed that a new contract had been signed which would potentially transform Þorlákshöfn and the landscape nearby. 

Are church members content with these consequences of having abolished the Suggestion Committee at Session 2012? That decision meant that group of seven people believes they are responsible for molding and implementing the future vision of the IC without great or any consultation of church members. 

What do Adventists want to be known for here in Iceland when it comes to the stewardship of nature and their belief in creation? These are questions that have not been addressed to church members, and that they have not been allowed to answer.

[1]      Executive Committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, „Creation: The Bible’s Worldview“,, 2010, 

[2] Administrative Committee, General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists, „Stewardship of the Environment“,, 1996,