All written sources referenced in this report are listed here. If publication information of an item is not provided, the author can provide the document(s) in question. If the item in question is an oral testimony, the author can provide further information as well.


The categories are arranged alphabetically.

  1. Articles

  2. Contracts and Annual Financial Statements

  3. Discussion among Adventists

  4. Emails and Letters

  5. Lawsuits and Police

  6. Laws

  7. Minutes

  8. National Planning Agency

  9. Petitions

  10. Reports

  11. Theological Matters

  12. Unpublished Documents

  13. Websites and Website Sections


1 Articles

Following is a list of articles not already found under “Media Coverage.”


“29. aðalfundur sjöunda dags aðventista á Íslandi í Aðventkirkjunni Reykjavík 18.–21. apríl 1985.” (The 29th Session of Seventh-day Adventists in Iceland, Reykjavík 18–21 April 1985.) Bræðrabandið. May/June 1985. 2–25.

30. aðalfundur sjöunda dags aðventista á Íslandi í safnaðarheimili aðventista Reykjavík 14.–17. apríl 1988.” (The 30th Session of Seventh-day Adventists in Iceland, in the Church Hall of Adventists in Reykjavík, 14–17 April 1988.) Aðventfréttir. No. 5, 1988. 32–33.

Eric Guðmundsson. “Aukaaðalfundur Samtakanna 1. desember 1996.” (Extraordinary Session of the Conference, 1 December 1996.) Aðventfréttir.No. 4, 1996. 3. ttps://

Eric Guðmundsson. „Málefni Hlíðardalsskóla í Ölfusi.” (The Subject of Hlíðardalsskóli in Ölfus.) Aðventfréttir. No. 5, 1995. 16–18.

Hlíðardalsskóli í Ölfusi til sölu.” (Hlíðardalsskóli in Ölfus for Sale.) Morgunblaðið. 21 January 1997. C 2.

IC EXCOM. “Samþykktir og bókanir stjórnar.” (Resolutions of the EXCOM.) Aðventfréttir. March 2014. 8–11.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. “Greinar um Hlíðardalsskóla, 1948–2011.” (Articles about Hlíðardalsskóli Academy, 1948–2011.) 2022.

Magnús Helgason. “Skýrsla hins tíunda ársfundar hins íslenska konferens S. D. Aðventista, sem haldinn var í kirkju konferensins í Reykjavík, dagana 21. til 26. maí 1947.” (Report of the Tenth Annual Session of the Icelandic Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Convened in the Conference Church in Reykjavík, 21–26 May 1947.) Bræðrabandið. No. 4 (1947). 2–18.

Real estate advertisement. Morgunblaðið. 27 May 1997. C 6.

Real estate advertisement. Morgunblaðið. 1 June 1997. 39.

Sala hluta lands Hlíðardalsskólans.” (Piece of the Hlíðardalsskóli Property Sold.) Aðventfréttir. No. 1, 2004. 8–9.


2 Contracts and Annual Financial Statements

Contract concerning the mine in Mt. Litla-Sandfell between the IC and Eden Consulting. 2008.

Contract concerning the mine in Mt. Lambafell between the IC and Eden Mining. 2009.

Contract between Eden and GT Hreinsun. 2018.

Contract concerning the mines in Mt. Litla-Sandfell and Mt. Lambafell between the IC and Eden Mining. 2022.

Eden Mining. Kt. 5410081600, Fyrirtækjaskrá,

Eden Mining. Kt. 6703081970. Fyrirtækjaskrá,

Lambafell inc. Annual financial statement for the year 2021. Available under the ID no. 4312181510,, Fyrirtækjaskrá (company registry),


3 Discussion among Adventists

Announcement concerning get-together in Suðurhlíðarskóli. Kirkjufréttir. 21 October 2022.

Anthony, Gavin. Editorial. Kirkjufréttir. 1 April 2022.

Anthony, Gavin. Editorial. Kirkjufréttir. 2 June 2023.

Anthony, Gavin. Editorial. Kirkjufréttir. 14 July 2023.

Anthony, Gavin. Editorial. Kirkjufréttir. 21 July 2023.

Anthony, Gavin. Editorial. Kirkjufréttir. 14 March 2024.

Dias, Ruben. Letter to the EXCOM. Published translated to Icelandic in the meeting documents for Session 2019, pp. 69–70. (The original English letter is on pp. 71–72.)

Duda, Daniel. “Session Postponed.” Kirkjufréttir. 24 November 2022.

Eden Mining. Open letter to church members. 14 March 2022.

Eden Mining. Open letter to church members. 17 February 2023.

Eiríkur Ingvarsson. “Vinnuslys í Lambafelli.” (Occupational accident in Mt. Lambafell.) Kirkjufréttir, 30. október 2020.

IC administrators. Editorial. Kirkjufréttir. 6 January 2023.

IC EXCOM. Námufréttir – Mining news. 1 February 2022.

IC EXCOM. Open letter to church members. 3 February 2023.

IC EXCOM. Open letter to the church boards. 16 March 2022.

Group of members interested in the future of Hlíðardalsskóli. Open letter to church members. 8 October 1999.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. “Mining Case Summary.” Open letter to church members. 3 January 2023. 2nd ed. 12 January 2023.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. Open letter to Eiríkur Ingvarsson and Kristinn Ólafsson. 23 February 2023.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. “Um 41. aðalfund KSDA.” Open letter to church members. 13  November 2023.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, Ólöf Haraldsdóttir, Ómar Torfason, Sigurgeir Bjarnason, and Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir. Open letter to the IC EXCOM. 5 December 2021.

Ólafur Kristinsson. Letter to Ómar Torfason and the delegates. 1 March 2023.

Ómar Torfason. Open letter to the IC EXCOM, the church boards, the delegates, and church members. 17 February 2023.

Ómar Torfason. Open letter to the IC EXCOM, the church boards, the delegates, and church members. 22 February 2023.

Ómar Torfason. Open letter to the IC EXCOM, the church boards, the delegates, and church members. 2 March 2023.

Steinunn Theodórsdóttir. Email to the delegates.1 March 2023.


4 Emails and Letters

Anthony, Gavin. To church leaders. 30 March 2022.

Anthony, Gavin. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 20 August 2021.

Anthony, Gavin. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 2 March 2022.

ARTA on behalf of the plaintiffs. Registered letter to Gavin Anthony. 28 September 2023.

Chareyre, Jean-Rémi. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 11 April 2023.

Conference Church Members in Akureyri town. To the EXCOM. 4 September 2022.

Dias, Ruben. To the EXCOM. 30 May and 23 June 2016.

Elísa Elíasdóttir. To the EXCOM. 23 March 2022.

Elliði Vignisson. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 2 September 2022.

Eric Guðmundsson. Letter to complainants (sent in an email). 29 August 2023.

Group of members interested [in the future of Hlíðardalsskóli]. A letter to the EXCOM. 12 September 1999.

Guðrún Schmidt. To Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir. 1 February 2023.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. To Church Members. 16 May 2023.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. To the EXCOM. 2 September 2022.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. To the EXCOM and Eden Mining. 7 April 2023.

Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. To Þorsteinn Víglundsson. 13 April 2023.

Rakel Ýr Jónsdóttir. Service Center, District Commissioner of South Iceland. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 17 April 2023.

Sigurgeir Bjarnason. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 8 August 2022.

Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir. To many church members. 30 May 2023.

Sweeney, Ian. To Guðrún Ólafsdóttir. 28 March 2023.

Valgerður Anna Guðmundsdóttir. Service Center, District Commissioner of South Iceland. To Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. 21 November 2022.

Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir. “Atferli hefur afleiðingar.” (Actions Have Consequences.) Three-page pdf-attachment to Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, 1 August 2022.


5     Lawsuits and Police

1.1 Legal Opinions

Gísli Guðni Hall. Legal opinion about transfer. 28 May 2022.

Kristinn Hallgrímsson. Legal opinion. Summer 2022. Kristján Ari Sigurðsson has a copy.

1.2 Case before the District Court (no. E-4060/2023)

Court Documents of the Plaintiffs:

  1. Summons. 29 June 2023

  2. Overview of documents presented

  3. Contract between the IC and Eden Mining concerning mining in Mt. Litla-Sandfell. 2008

  4. Contract between the IC and Eden Mining concerning mining in Mt. Lambafell. 2009

  5. Eden Mining. Annual Financial Statement. 2017

  6. Eden Mining. Annual Financial Statement. 2018

  7. Eden Mining. Annual Financial Statement. 2019

  8. Eden Mining. Annual Financial Statement. 2020

  9. Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, Ólöf Haraldsdóttir, Ómar Torfason, Sigurgeir Bjarnason, and Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir. Open letter to the EXCOM. 5 December 2021.

  10. Contract between the IC and Eden Mining concerning mining in Mt. Lambafell and Mt. Litla-Sandfell. 2022

  11. EFLA on behalf of Eden Mining. Matsáætlun

  12. IC. Constitution and Bylaws of the IC. 2019

  13. Kjarninn. Sunna Ósk Logadóttir. “Litla-Sandfell mun hverfa.” (Mt. Litla-Sandfell Will Disappear.), 12 February 2022,

  14. Vísir. Jakob Bjarni and Óttar Kolbeinsson Proppé. “Óttast að breyta eigi Þorlákshöfn í ruslakistu fyrir iðnað sem enginn annar vill.” (Fear that Þorlákshöfn Will Be Changed into an Industry Dumpster that Nobody Else Wants.) Ví, 19 August 2022,

  15. Icelandic Environment Association. Umsögn um matsáætlun EFLU (on behalf of Eden Mining) concerning mining in Mt. Litla-Sandfell

  16. Elísa Elíasdóttir. Email to the EXCOM. 1 February 2022

  17. Kristján Ari Sigurðsson. Email communication with executive secretary Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir. 2–24 February 2024 (KAS 2 February, ÞSJ 4 February, KAS 5 February, ÞSJ 24 February)

  18. Kristján Ari Sigurðsson. Email to the EXCOM. 10 May 2022

  19. Kristján Ari Sigurðsson. Email communication with executive secretary Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir. 24 April–11 May 2021 (KAS 24 April, ÞSJ 29 April, KAS 29 April, ÞSJ 10 May, KAS 10 May, ÞSJ 11 May)

  20. Elías Theodórsson. Email to President Gavin Anthony and Executive Secretary Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir. 23 May 2022

  21. Ómar Torfason. Letter to the EXCOM. 28 June 2022

  22. Kristín Guðrún Jónsdóttir. Email to the administrators of the IC. 6 September 2022

  23. Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. The Mining Case. Last updated 14 June 2023

  24. IC. Constitution and Bylaws of the IC. 2014

  25. Bókun við þingfestingu. 29 June 2023

  26. Birtingarvottorð


Court Documents of the Defendants:

  1. Statement of the defendants. 7 September 2023

  2. Parish fee payers. Retrieved from the website of Statistics Iceland on 11 August 2023

  3. General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists). Safnaðarhandbók Kirkju sjöunda dags aðventista. (The Church Manual of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.) Reykjavík: Frækornið, 2014. (In two pdfs: part 1, 2)

  4. Sale contract concerning Vindheimar. 30 March 1947

  5. Rental agreement concerning Raufarhólshellir between the IC and Raufarhólshellir inc. 1 July 2016. (First page only)

  6. Utilization agreement concerning gravel mining between the IC and Jarðvélar sf. 9 July1998

  7. IC EXCOM. Regulations of the IC EXCOM. Last updated 10 November 2020

  8. IC EXCOM. Námufréttir – Mining news. 1 February 2022

  9. IC EXCOM. Open letter to the church boards. 16 March 2022

  10. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 29 March 2022

  11. Þóra Sigríður Jónsdóttir on behalf of Gavin Anthony on behalf of the IC EXCOM. Emails (each sent separately) to Ólöf Haraldsdóttir, Kristján Ari Sigurðsson, Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson, Eric Guðmundsson, Elísa Elíasdóttir, Elías Theodórsson, Guðni Kristjánsson, Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir, Sigurgeir Bjarnason og Ómar Torfason. 2 March 2022

  12. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 1 March 2022

  13. Gavin Anthony. Emails (each sent separately) to Guðni Kristjánsson, Kristján Ari Sigurðsson, Ómar Torfason, and Sólveig Hjördís Jónsdóttir. 4 November 2021

  14. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 5 October 2021

  15. IC EXCOM. “Fundur samtakastjórnar og safnaðarstjórna.” (The Meeting of the EXCOM with the Church Boards.) Kirkjufréttir. 23 May 2022

  16. Gavin Anthony. Email to church leaders. 23 May 2022

  17. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 3 May 2022

  18. IC. Documents for the 41st Session of the IC, held 22–25 September 2022

  19. Utilization agreement concerning gravel mining betweeen the IC and Jarðvélar sf. 22 May 2001

  20. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 8 December 1999

  21. Rental agreement concerning Hlíðardalsskóli between the IC and Hlíðardalssetrið. October 1999

  22. Addition to the rental agreement concerning Hlíðardalsskóli between the IC and Hlíðardalsskóli. 20 April 2016

  23. Constitution-and-bylaws Committee. Report of the Constitution-and-bylaws Committee. 38th Session of the IC. 2012. (The front page of the Session documents and p. 75)

  24. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 18 June 2019

  25. Contract of sale concerning Stóru-Vellir between the IC and BVH PLC. 19 July 2019

  26. IC. Minutes of the 41st Session of the IC, held 22–25 September 2022

  27. From Aðalskipulag sveitarfélagsins Ölfuss 2020–2036: Greinargerð. (From the general plan of Ölfus municipality for 2020–2036.) Front page and pp. 71–72

  28. Jón Hjörleifur Stefánsson. Email to the IC administrators. 14 July 2023

  29. Kristín Guðrún Jónsdóttir. Email to the IC EXCOM. 17 July 2023

  30. Óskar Sigurðsson. Email communication with Kristinn Hallgrímsson. 17–18 August 2023 (ÓS 17 August, KH 18 August)

  31. IC EXCOM. Minutes. 7 September 2021

  32. Audrey Anderson, former Executive Secretary of the Trans-European Division. Sworn affidavit. 6 September 2023

  33. Statement of Eden Mining. 6 September 2023

District Court. Guðrún Sesselja Arnardóttir. Verdict. 20 February 2024

1.3 Case before the Court of Appeals (no. 180/2024)

Court of Appeals. Ásgerður Ragnarsdóttir, Jón Höskuldsson, and Kristbjörg Stephensen. Verdict. 9 April 2024

1.4 Case before the District Court


1.5 Police Investigation

Kristinn Hallgrímsson, ARTA lögmenn, on behalf of Ómar Torfason. “Kæra vegna meintra efnahagsbrota og umboðssvika stjórnarmeðlima KSDA.” (Complaint concerning alleged economic violations and mandate violations of the IC EXCOM members.) 16 January 2024

State Prosecutor. “Afstaða ríkissaksóknara til kæru skv. 6. mgr. 52. gr. laga nr. 88/2008.” (The State Prosecutor’s Position to Complaint according to par. 6 of art. 52 of Act no. 88/2008.) 10 May 2024

6 Laws

Alþingi. (Althingi or Parliament of Iceland.) Lög um skráð trúfélög og lífsskoðunarfélög. (Act concerning Registered Religious or Worldview Bodies.) 1999 nr. 108 28. desember.

IC. Constitution and Bylaws of the IC. 2019. Available on the website of the IC,, on the bottom banner on the right under “Lög.”

7 Minutes

Minutes of Ölfus municipality are accessible on their website. Fundargerðir,,

Resolutions and bookings of the EXCOM are found in their minutes. The minutes of the present EXCOM (2019–2023) are accessible to church members online. Older minutes can be found in the Archives of the IC, Suðurhlíðarskóli (lower floor), Suðurhlíð 36, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland.

8 National Planning Agency

See “National Planning Agency.”

9 Petitions

Church Members. (61 signatures.) Petition to the EXCOM. 23 March 2022.

Delegates (25 signatures) and 22 other church members. Petition to the Trans-European Division. 14 March 2023.

Delegates and other church members (101 signatures). Petition to the Trans-European Division. 17 March 2024.

Hrafnhildur Hlín Hjartardóttir. “Enga jarðefnaverksmiðju í Þorlákshöfn.“ (No Mineral Factory in Þorlákshöfn Town.)

Landvernd. “Áskorun: Höfnum námuvinnslu á Mýrdalssandi og í Þrengslunum“. (Challenge: Let’s Reject Mining Operations in Mýrdalssandur and Þrengslin Pass.)

10 Reports

Abdallah, Maha, and Lydia de Leeuw. “Violations Set in Stone: HeidelbergCement in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.” Report published by Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO). 4 February 2020. Cf. pdf link,

Committee for the Utilization and Future Vision of Breiðabólstaður Property and Hlíðardalsskóli. “Tillaga að framtíðarsýn Kirkjunnar varðandi Hlíðardalsskólaeignina.” (Suggestion for a Future Vision of the IC concerning the Hlíðardalsskóli Property.) 2015.

Committee for the Utilization of Breiðabólstaður Property. The Report of the Committee for the Utilization of Breiðabólstaður Property. November 2021.

Constitution-and-bylaws Committee. “Skýrsla laganefndar.” (Report of the Constitution-and-Bylaws Committee.) Meeting documents for Session 2012, pp. 61–67.

GCAS meeting, 24 May 2022. The author of the report typed up the comments which are referenced in this report.

GCAS Report. 2022.

HeidelbergCement.” Business & Human Rights Centre.

Heidelberg Materials. “Móbergsvinnsla við Þorlákshöfn.” (Tuff Processing at Þorlákshöfn.), 29 August 2023.

Hlíðardalssetrið. Report about its work. Distributed at Session 2022. Available from Hlíðardalssetrið.

IC EXCOM. Report. 25 September 2023. Published in Kirkjufréttir, 29 September 2023.

IC EXCOM. Updated report. 20 October 2023. Distributed via email on that date.

IC EXCOM. “Skýrsla varðandi námuna.” (Report concerning the Mine.) Meeting documents for Session 2022. 81–84.

Meeting Documents for Session or Extraordinary Session. 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2022. The meeting documents for Sessions comprise reports from all the most important aspects of the operations of the IC.

Methodology.” Corporate Human Rights Benchmark. World Benchmarking Alliance.

Sandra Mar Huldudóttir. “Skýrsla fjármálastjóra.” (Treasurer Report.) Meeting documents for Session 2015, pp. 26–51.

11 Theological Matters

Administrative Committee of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists. “Stewardship of the Environment.” 1996.

Executive Committee of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists. “Creation: The Bible’s Worldview.” 2010.

General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists. “28 Fundamental Beliefs.” Website of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Pdf-file can be downloaded from the bottom of the page.

General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists. General Conference Working Policy. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2010.

Secretariat, General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists. Church Manual. 19th ed. Review and Herald. 2016.

Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Working Policy of the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists: 2021–2022 Edition. N.p.: N.p. 2022.

White, Ellen G. “Notes of Travel“. In Historical Sketches of the Foreign Mission of the Seventh-day Adventists (Basel: Imprimerie Polyglotte, 1886), 159–249.

White, Ellen G. “A Sabbath Reform Needed.” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. 18 March 1884.

White, Ellen G. Testimonies for the Church. 9 vols. Oakland, CA: Pacific Press. 1885–1909.

12 Unpublished Documents

[Hlíðardalssetrið.] Ráðstefnusetrið í Hlíðardal: Hugmyndir varðandi framtíðarrekstur Hlíðardalsskóla. (The Conference Institute in Hlíðardalur Valley: Ideas concerning the Future Operation of Hlíðardalsskóli.) N.d.

[Hlíðardalssetrið.] Biblíuskólinn Hlíðardalsskóli: Hugmyndir varðandi framtíðarrekstur Hlíðaralsskóla. (The Hlíðardalsskóli Bible School: Ideas concerning the Future Operation of Hlíðardalsskóli.) N.d.

13 Websites and Website Sections

ASI Officers.”,

HeidelbergCement.” Corporate Human Rights Benchmark. World Benchmarking Alliance. Cf. also pdf link at the bottom of the page. This site directs to

Stjórn og eigendur.” (Board and Owners.),